Monday, October 8, 2007

Part Four

While Hilbesenter laughs his boots loose as he crawls in as much of a cockroach like manner as he can, Dunk and Erin emerge into an enormous cavern filled with innumerable quantities of glass medicine bottles, old canvas, candy wrappers, and tanks of helium gas. In the middle of the trodden path stood a HUGE deformed obelisk of varying shades of yellow, orange, and brown. Intrigued, Dunk stepped closer, searching for an inscription to explain its existence. As he neared the statue, he noted that a very peculiar odor permeated the air surrounding it. Reminded him of... earwax?! How strange! His consecutive thought patterns were interrupted by a shrill, eardrum shattering indecipherable decibel reading "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! which grew softer and softer as eh listened, stunned. He whirled around, searching bewilderedly for Erin. She was nowhere to be found! Dunk's first wimpy inclination was to run like crazy back up the tunnel they'd come from. Then the machismo kicked in and he realized with growing excitement that this was a brilliant opportunity to redeem himself for the inactive rescue blunder he'd made earlier in the day. Er ... yesterday... er... last week. Funny how time passes when you're lost in an underground maze. He searches the room frantically for things that could assist him in his mission. The only thing he can find are the used helium tanks. He saunters over to a bright red one and turns the pressure nozzle. Fumes begin seeping out as he thinks, "i wish i had a balloon." How long he stands there lost in his daydream of being a child at a birthday party, i cannot say. (again, the time space continuum interrupts). When he finally comes to his senses and shuts off the gas, the tank is nearly drained. His head feels a little silly but he will not let that stop him. He grabs some bottles off the floor and begins the Search, calling out, "Erin! Erin - where are you?!" as loud as be possibly can. Unfortunately (but rather Humorously), the helium has caused his normally deep, sonorous voice to be reduced to sounding a bit like a Jiminy Cricket record being played at 45. Or Minnie Mouse as a premature baby. Meanwhile, Erin, in no seeming danger at all, has been dropped down a chute landing in none other than... you guessed it. The Evil Laboratory. All the lights have been turned out and the control console flickers and glows like a Christmas tree in December on 5th Avenue. Then, she sees it. The Button. A big gleaming yellow one. It beckons to her. It calls her name softly, repeatedly. (or maybe that's Dunk's search efforts getting closer...). Before she realizes it, she is standing directly in front of it. Her traitorous hand reaches out of its own volition. Her pointer finger is poised directly over the fate of the world. Her eyes are wide as saucers and two tiny flashing buttons are reflected therein. Her heart is pounding out of her chest and blood surges like the ocean in her ears. Closer, closer...


lance said...

i dont get it.. there was no purple writing this time.

Wonder Erin said...

**siiighh** Ok - although i don't work MUCH i do have to do that sometimes *in between getting yelled and cussed at* and one paragraph was all i had time to type that day. Sheesh! *sends a sigh and turns her eye at the clamoring fans...*