Friday, June 6, 2008


This just goes to show you how much we actually know about our life... it's possible that we are postponing going to India and China til NEXT year. We still don't have all the money in and couldn't get visas until we got the tickets and couldn't get the tickets until we had the money... it's a vicious cycle. In the MEANWHILE... a possible opportunity has opened up for us to help out with a ministry in Mesa, Arizona, at the end of which, the man running the organization might fund our missions completely. Which would be AMAZING!! :D We are flying out there the 18th of this month through the 25th... then we'll know one way or the other if we are moving 2 weeks after that! Ahhhh life is a dizzying merry go round at times. And i love it. It's all fun and games til someone starts throwing up. :)

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