Saturday, March 1, 2008

Can it really be??

...that four months have passed without an iota of blogoriffic happenings? The answer... NO! In fact, most likely the opposite. i have been so busy with the goings on of life that i haven't had time to record them for your reading entertainment. i'll try to list them as shortly as possible... TODAY - Gabe and i have been married for exactly 11 months! Wow... how time flies when you're having fun! i mean... we're trying not to have TOO much fun until we get back from China because i want to have a baby in America. haha But yes - we are hard at work saving money and getting the planning out of the way. We're shooting for leaving the 30th of June and don't know yet how long we will be there. 3 months at least, possibly a year. It all depends on if we can find jobs and how much we like or dislike it there. i got my new license and passport, now we are just saving up money to buy tickets before we can get our visas. **siiighh** It's so expensive to live these days! Besides that, more people have been showing up on our TBS nights and we're really enjoying it. The grand total is 6 now. :D Wednesdays we still have our high school kids and they are all doing great - one lived with us for a few weeks until her apartment money came through. LOST started back so i am enjoying life every Thursday. haha Other than that - just staying extraordinarily busy - i work every day but Sunday so i am really looking forward to quitting my job on the 14th of June to finish up business for the trip.


Christel said...

China? Wow! Where did this come from? I must be a lot farther out of the loop than I thought! Very cool! By the way, Jess, Jodi updated her blog with several entries that were pre-dated. I am the only one who has been consistent. I don't know why I'm proud of that...

Wonder Erin said...

haha!! Yeah we almost came to Wisconsin for the holidays but our plane got fogged out :( boo hiss. oh well. His dad lives in China and said we could honeymoon there if we wanted but we wanted to wait until we were a little more settled. It will be a lot of fun and i'm sure we will get to learn a lot about the culture there. It's definitely different than here. i don't know if i'll be able to handle all the SMOKING but i'm trying to be brave. haha That means we will all have to get a lot better at updating our blogs since that's the only way i'll know what's going on! haha ...but apparently you already outrank us there. ;) hehe