Wednesday, April 2, 2008

No it really cannot... :D

Ok psych. We just wanted to make sure we had everyone's attention. Plans have slightly deviated and we are now getting prepared to go to India first then China. (well we were a little confused - they do both end in "uh") All of you here know why but for those who live far away - we are going to help save baby girls and build the training center with Billy Graham. Paulose.

THIS guy.

NOT this guy.

Ok. Glad that's cleared up. So... that's pretty much it. We celebrated our very first anniversary yesterday so we are officially old married people now. :*( The Mobile Joy-Capades stopped by our house (otherwise known as Sissy and Jen) and brought tons of goodies and stuff that made our day. *pictures of that to come later... as soon as our digital camera comes back to life* Other than that life is pretty much uneventful. Besides Gabe and i taking up wrestling. Just kidding. i
never wear my pants pulled up that high. :D So we are already growing old and fat together and i thought i would add this closing little quip:

A married couple's anniversary was fast approaching. The wife thought she would suggest a gift idea, as the husband seemed to be constantly lacking in that area. She said, "Honey, i'd like to wake up tomorrow morning and find something in the driveway that goes from zero to 200 in two seconds flat." He nodded his head and she went to sleep with visions of grandeur dancing in her mind. She awoke with great excitement the next morning to find her husband mysteriously missing. A note lay on his pillow saying something to the effect of "the best i could afford." She dashed outdoors, wondering what make and color her new vehicle would be. There, in the driveway was a small box with a brightly colored bow on top. A quizzical expression crossed her face as she walked closer, then unwrapped...

a brand new bathroom scale.