Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sissy iza Nerd

And she doesn't know how to use the internet. oh well. i suppose this family can't have more than 3 criminal masterminds. :D hehe

The Condensed Adventures of Wonder Erin

~~It was a dark and stormy night. Once again, Wonder Erin was resorting to her box of pristine vintage chocolates and assortment of Sudoku puzzles to while the time away. Not much has transpired since we left her in the clutches of that unspeakable evil - Johnny Boom. Besides her triumphant escape, that is. There was that. Her life had settled into the worn routine of endless tasteless meals prepared by her snippy French cook Ja'nelle, and the occasional call from Jecka for a game of poker. Not much out of the ordinary had occurred. Until that night. The black rotary dial telephone jittered to life as the blue neon light beneath it lit in anticipation of a conversation. Wonder Erin's carefully sharpened pencil slipped from her fingers and her grandmother's rosebud teacup clattered to a halt on the low mahogany coffee table next to her. She threw aside her puce crushed velvet lap quilt and sprang into action, her tiny dachshund Elroy yelping and baying in protest at his nap being so rudely disturbed. His puppy curses were muffled by the quilt falling carelessly over his head. Elroy snuffed his way out with a Harrruummmph! but his disdain went unnoticed as the Wonder laid her spindly hand on the receiver. She lifted it slowly to her ear, and, taking a deep cleansing breath...


She just came in my store!! i watched her when i was a tiny person growing up in Nashville! i'm famous!!!! Sorry. i just couldn't hold my inexpressible glee any longer. This is the best day of my life. Aside from the day that it rained chocolate from heaven. That was a really good day too. :)

Friday, September 28, 2007

But wait... there's more!

And i think this is the right site... there are a lot more pictures and interesting stuff... Anyway. You should all get on My Space. It's way easier to navigate. ;)

Bored at work poetry :D

The Unrequited Past

my mind shifts on to other places
but the thoughts keep coming back
what if i have finally wasted
the best things i saved for last
holding on to those precious seconds
when i held you in my arms
losing sight of the train that wrecked us
tangled in your warmth
your misty eyes stared into mine
and at last i knew
this life would not be worth the time
i spent away from you
so i forged into the scars
you'd carved to keep me out
so quick forgetting those alarms
that checked my soul in doubt
just one touch was all it took
and i belonged to you
just one breath, one kiss, one look
my loneliness was through
and for awhile you felt my love
you let it fill your core
but then you turned your back on us
and like a fool i wanted more
i pushed my head into your chest
to feel your beating heart
but my wondering mind could not attest
and the shock drove us apart
for that night i found the truth
though i could not believe
the rhythmic pulse that coursed through you
had only ever been me!
had i imagined your whispered words?
had i entranced myself?
had i awakened but never stirred
and embraced your lifeless shell?
all those memories had vanished
like a shattered glass
i was feasting but still famished
on an unrequited past
and so with tears i lay to rest
a sorrow old as time
i fold your hands across your chest
and take back what was mine
for all the dreams my soul had dreamt
came as nightmares back to me
i realized with despair i'd spent
it all on what could never be.

Well this is interesting

i KNOW i posted a blog about being a Round Tuit Vendor. WHO took it? And WHY? i want names. Addresses. Phone numbers. i want a moat. With lava. i want big slobbering dogs. i want the guy who raised the dogs to be scared of them. Or i just want my post back. Most likely it's my own fault and you're gonna tell me some kinda crap like - i didn't post often enough so it was erased. WhatEVER. i don't care anymore.